Understanding Internet protocols: TCP/IP and Beyond

Understanding Internet Protocols: TCP/IP and Beyond The Internet is a vast network of interconnected devices that communicate using a suite of protocols. At the heart of this communication is the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). To fully appreciate the significance of TCP/IP and its related protocols, it’s essential to delve into their history, structure, functionality, […]

How OLTs provide internet access

An Optical Line Terminal (OLT) is a critical component in fiber-optic communication networks, particularly in Passive Optical Networks (PONs). Here’s a detailed explanation of what an OLT is and how it provides internet access: What is an OLT? Optical Line Terminal (OLT): How an OLT Provides Internet Access Components and Technologies

What is an xpon router and what does the x stand for?

An xPON router is a type of router used in fiber-optic communication networks, specifically designed for Passive Optical Networks (PON). The “x” in xPON stands for the type of PON technology being utilized. PON is a telecommunications technology that implements a point-to-multipoint architecture, enabling the distribution of data from a single optical fiber to multiple […]

The role of internet in enabling remote work globally

The internet has revolutionized the way we work, making remote work not only possible but also increasingly common. Here are some key ways the internet has enabled remote work on a global scale: 1. Communication and Collaboration Tools 2. Cloud Computing 3. Project Management and Productivity Tools 4. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) 5. E-Learning and […]

The role and structure of data centres in global internet connectivity.

Data centers play a crucial role in global internet connectivity by housing the infrastructure needed to store, process, and distribute data. They are central to the functioning of the internet, supporting a wide range of services from web hosting to cloud computing. Below is an overview of their role and structure: Role of Data Centers […]

Why fibre internet doesn’t use Modems

Fiber-optic internet is built upon thin glass or plastic fibers that transmit data as pulses of light. These cables can carry vast amounts of information at the speed of light, making them incredibly efficient. Unlike metal wires, fiber optics are immune to electromagnetic interference and have minimal data loss. The backbone of the internet relies on […]

What is a splicing machine?

A fusion splicing machine is a device used to join two optical fibers end-to-end through a process known as fusion splicing. This process involves aligning the two fiber ends precisely and then using an electric arc or other heat source to melt and fuse them together, creating a continuous optical path. Fusion splicing is essential […]

Why Savanna Fibre uses Fiber optic cables.

Fiber Optic Wi-Fi Infrastructure:Engeri waya ya yintaneti gyekolebwamu Medium: Uses fiber optic cables made of thin strands of glass or plastic that transmit data as light pulses.Entambuza : Cable eyina tekinologiya gyeyakolebwamu okutambuza yintaneti ku misinde eyekizungirizi Speed: Typically offers very high speeds, often exceeding 1 Gbps (gigabit per second). Some providers offer speeds up […]