Why Savanna Fibre uses Fiber optic cables.

Fiber Optic Wi-Fi Infrastructure:Engeri waya ya yintaneti gyekolebwamu Medium: Uses fiber optic cables made of thin strands of glass or plastic that transmit data as light pulses.Entambuza : Cable eyina tekinologiya gyeyakolebwamu okutambuza yintaneti ku misinde eyekizungirizi Speed: Typically offers very high speeds, often exceeding 1 Gbps (gigabit per second). Some providers offer speeds up […]

How to tell your WI-FI is working on your router

To determine if Wi-Fi is active on your router, you can follow these steps: If you follow these steps and still cannot determine if the Wi-Fi is active, it might be useful to restart the router, check for firmware updates, or reset the router to its factory settings as a last resort. If problems persist, […]

How to run a speed test on Savanna Fibre WI-FI

Step 1: Prepare Your Device Step 2: Choose a Speed Test Tool There are several reliable online tools you can use to test your WiFi speed. Some popular options include: Step 3: Run the Speed Test Step 4: Interpret the Results Step 5: Optimize Your WiFi (If Necessary) If the test results are below your […]

Future Trends in ISP Industry: Predictions for Connectivity, Innovation, and Market Dynamics

The ISP industry is undergoing rapid transformation driven by technological advancements, changing consumer demands, and evolving market dynamics. Here are some future trends and predictions for connectivity, innovation, and market dynamics in the ISP industry: 1. Advancements in Connectivity Widespread Adoption of 5G: Expansion of Fiber Optic Networks: 2. Innovative Technologies and Services Edge Computing: […]

The Role of ISPs in Supporting Emerging Technologies such as 5G and IoT

The rapid development and deployment of emerging technologies such as 5G and the Internet of Things (IoT) are transforming the digital landscape, offering new opportunities and challenges. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) play a critical role in supporting these technologies. Here’s a detailed look at how ISPs like Savanna Fibre can support the growth and integration […]

Navigating Internet Speeds: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Needs

In today’s digital age, internet connectivity is the backbone of our daily lives, powering everything from remote work and entertainment to communication and education. However, not all internet speeds are created equal, and choosing the right one can make a world of difference in your online experience. Let’s explore where different speeds, ranging from 5Mbps […]