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Controlling Wi-Fi range to limit the coverage area can be achieved through various methods. Here are some steps and techniques you can use:

1. Adjust the Transmit Power Settings

Many routers allow you to adjust the transmit power of the Wi-Fi signal. Reducing the transmit power can limit the range.

  1. Access Router Settings: Open a web browser and enter the router’s IP address (commonly or
  2. Log in: Use the router’s username and password (often found on the router itself or in the manual).
  3. Find Wireless Settings: Look for wireless settings or advanced wireless settings.
  4. Adjust Transmit Power: Reduce the transmit power percentage. This setting might be labeled as “Transmit Power,” “Tx Power,” or something similar.
  5. Save Changes: Apply the changes and restart the router if necessary.

2. Change the Router’s Placement

The physical location of the router can significantly affect the coverage area.

3. Use Antennas with Lower Gain

The type of antenna used can impact the range.

4. Enable Access Point Isolation

Using access points or routers with isolation features can limit the range.

5. Install RF (Radio Frequency) Shielding

Use RF shielding materials to block Wi-Fi signals from spreading beyond a certain area.

6. Use a Wi-Fi Signal Blocker or Jammer (with caution)

Wi-Fi signal blockers or jammers can block Wi-Fi signals within a specific area. However, these devices are illegal in many places and should be used cautiously and legally.

7. Software Solutions

Some advanced routers and networking equipment allow for software-based range control.

8. Set Up a Separate SSID for Limited Range

If you have a dual-band router, you can create a separate SSID with limited range on one of the bands.

By employing one or a combination of these methods, you can effectively control and limit the coverage area of your Wi-Fi network to suit your needs.

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